
For over a decade, Assistance Service of the Americas (ASA) has been the expert in all areas of Medical Assistance Service in Latin America and the Caribbean.

With more than 20 years of experience in both Case Management and Cost Containment, ASA developed an in-depth cultural understanding of Latin American and Caribbean Health Care. Currently, ASA has more than 300 in-network Medical Providers within 42 Countries in the area.

Based in Guadalajara, Mexico, ASA is considered a local company by our clinical providers, thus, entitled to obtain all contractual benefits under that client category, including preferential local rates, as pre-negotiated in our service agreements with those facilities.

Our Team

We guarantee our clients’ satisfaction by working with a team of professional and experienced case managers, all bilingual and with a medical background.

Gerardo Martinez, MD
CEO and Medical Director

“Directing this company has been very rewarding and fulfilling. I have been able to put in all of my knowledge and experience. Helping patients and assisting our clients is hugely rewarding. If you have any questions, please call us. We are happy to help.”

Dr. Martinez is an Emergency Physician and a Flight Surgeon and has 30+ years of experience in clinical and medical administration practice. He holds a Master’s degree in Health Administration and has worked in the Travel Insurance industry as Medical Director for different Insurance Companies and Assistance Services across the Americas. Born and raised in Colombia, Dr. Martinez holds Canadian Citizenship too, as he resided in BC for more than a decade, working in the Air Ambulance and Health Insurance sectors.